PoSt Scriptum.

Post Scriptum is a tactical, first-person shooter video game set during Operation Market Garden, the Battle of France and Operation Overlord in the second World War. I helped start and collaborated closely with the French-based game developers, Periscope Games, for which I was asked to produce production-ready game assets including historically accurate wartime guns and vehicles using Unreal Engine 4, Substance Painter and Photoshop.


As a modeler and history buff, I loved creating pieces such as the Webley revolver, MP40, MG42, K98 Schiessbecher, Patronnentrommel 34, SdKfz 251/1 and a Panzer 3 Ausführung G late version

The models were made with a heavy focus on matching art direction at high polygon counts whilst maintaining performance benchmarks established by developers on top of being historically accurate.

The high polygon counts allowed for stand-out details on all guns and vehicles. Details such as camouflage patterns, normal map details, and symbols accurate to the time period. I pulled from my catalog of historical references on the subject of world war two which includes: photos collated from books and the internet, technical drawings and blueprints.


Blaze and the Machines